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Weekends with Whitney Vann Special

Whitney VannYep, it’s a TV show – “Weekends with Whitney”.  Whitney Vann started out about 17 years ago on a TV station in Baton Rouge.  She appeared on “Tune In” every day for most of those years.  Her days started early, around 3:30 a.m. with makeup, breaking news, etc. One day, she just decided she’d had enough of the odd hours and the strain on family life with two children.  I might be ad-libbing a little bit here, but I’m just trying to quickly get you to the punch line.  She wanted something different and approached WBRZ about her dream job–her own TV show.  So, this past October, she launched her show idea, and the show is entirely hers.  A journalist first, she made it clear to me that she wanted the show to look professional (sounds like me and my first book, right?).  

Now, three months later, the show is increasing in success while she finds the stories, writes the script, logs the film, helps edit, produces, and finds her own advertisers/sponsors.  With the help of able-bodied camerawoman, Kim, they put out a great show, complete with great places in La. to travel over the weekend, sights to see, things to learn, cool people, and on and on.

Well, I had the good fortune of doing a mini Bayou Woman Adventure with Whitney and Kim just this past week.  We went trout fishing, but the conditions were horrible.  Not to fear, they made lemonade out of lemons and made the fishing segment, well, comical!!  I had thawed out some trout fillets just in case we didn’t catch enough to cook and good thing I did.  We were able to also do a little cooking segment, which I’ve never done before and looking forward to viewing. I’ve not seen the entire show yet, and I won’t until it airs; but I decided to go ahead and take a chance that it will be a great show for y’all to watch, too. (Clarification:  By “great show” I mean that I might not look like a total idiot! Meaning, they’re going to make me look really good!)

So, if you live in the Baton Rouge area, it will be on WBRZ, Channel 2 at 6:30 a.m. Sunday morning, January 4th.  If you want to watch it “live”, you can visit their website and watch it online.

Then, if you feel like it, come back here and leave your comments or compliments.

Whitney Vann and BWThey were just here Monday and Tuesday, and the weather was terrible, but I had a great time with these women, and I think they enjoyed themselves, too.

They earned their Bayou Woman Adventure t-shirts, and I also earned my Weekends with Whitney t-shirt!

And remember, you can give a Bayou Woman Adventure to a woman in your life as a gift certificate. Just let me know when, and we will work it out.  You can book your Bayou Woman Adventure with as few as 3-4 women.  Let 2015 be the year you make that call or email to me!

Whitney just emailed me the link to the YouTube video, so here ya go!




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  1. Good for you! And actually, bad weather’s not such a negative. Seeing people having fun in bad weather undercuts that argument that we can’t go outdoors unless everything is perfect. I hope the response around there is terrific!

    1. Good point! I’m hoping that it drums up business for Bayou Woman Adventures! We did have a good time, though!

  2. Love your choice of ear rings. Could those be fish scales? Was hard pressed to see them thru all those long blonde locks. Maybe we need to change your board name from BW to Rapunzel?

    Oh and did I note a new ladies face sitting next to Mr. Termite at the table or am I as usual, mistaken. Eye sight is getting blurry these days…..

    1. Ahum! Those are my signature gar scale earrings that Kim makes! I wear them most of the time! My hair is usually up in a clip or under a hat, so you really don’t ever see just how long it is! Yes, you did notice a young lady sitting next to Termite in that photo. This is his girlfriend, and we like her very much. Been dating since July. Maybe it’s time for an update on the kid, huh? I mean, young man!

  3. You weren’t kidding …the show was much more than I’d seen on the news. You’re very much at ease on camera. I’m going to have to watch it again to see who was with Termite.

    1. No need to be nervous when I’m in my element, Steffi! Now, if I could lose 30 or 40 pounds and get myself a nice hairstyle, I might start doing some little Bayou Woman Tip of the Day videos!! Yeah, yeah, everybody wants to be on camera now!!!

  4. I LOVED it! You are a natural on camera, kiddo. Your personality comes straight across. Informative episode, too. You look so much like your mom, mannerisms and all. It was nice to be back on the lake and at Camp Dularge, too.

    1. Glad you like it. Whitney made it easy. Most of the time I forgot the camera was on and that I was wearing a mike. I’m sure there was lots of hilarious footage that didn’t get used! Well, thank you for saying that about my resemblance to my dear, sweet mother! I never noticed!

    1. Hey, April! You’re too kind! The day after Whitney sent me the fishing blurb on film, I made an appointment to do something with that hair, but I have to say I hate the results. But you’re sweet to say you love my mop, LOL!

        1. You won’t see the new “do” as it is because it’s pretty horrible! Maybe after I get it “adjusted”!!!

  5. Great piece – yer such a Pro now, ye should have yer own show!
    The cooking portion was mouth watering…though I think Whitney’s mic was off…yours was fine!

  6. A pro? Me? Hm. I will dwell on that and see if it starts to feel like a comfortable fit! I at least want to start doing little shorts of my Bayou Woman Tips of the Day for YouTube! My own show? Hmmm . . . . wheels are spinning . . . . I didn’t notice her mic was off. Thanks for the positive words!

  7. Ok guys so whats up here? This board used to be bristling with information and nonsense. Now it just sits and sits. So where’s the beef!

    Grue, Steffi, Cammy, Shore, Baby Sis, and all the rest of you, I know you are not outside fishing or hunting or even shopping. Something interesting is happening or has just happened to someone.

    I miss Blu too. But this place is so quiet the mice are worried.

    All I do anymore is smoke food and cook. Its my stress reliever. Thinking about getting more chickens but everytime I get close I remember all the mice and rats it brings up to the house. Also the nasty weather drudge to the chicken yard to gather, feed, and just talk to the ladies. In the cold blowing rain. Its going to take a while to forget how much I enjoyed those eggs….LOL

  8. I have been down with a bad lower back and hip. And running back and forth to my moms to care for her. Been trying to stay warm too.

    I know what you mean about those fresh eggs. My daughter and her husband have about 2 dozen chickens and she brings eggs over here for me, mom and her brother. I save all my “ready to toss” produce and send it to her for them along with bags of pecans that have busted or have chewed on marks from the squirrels. She puts them in a bag and whacks the crud out of them and tosses them in the pen. Sometimes, we get some produce at the food bank that is beginning to get a bit “juicy” in the bag. I bag it in a trash bag and send it over. The chickens couldn’t care less if it is over ripe.

    I think we are all a bit post holiday worn. I know I am.

    1. I loved to throw over old rotten cantalope that had soured and watch the chickens get drunk…..LOL its amazing what a country boy will find amusing….. I would sit and watch the chickens stumble, fall, try to stand and they would try and sit down while rocking in a circle.

      It doesn’t take much to amuse me.

  9. Okay, okay. I’m like a big she-bear, hunkered down in this cold, wet weather, my creative juices asleep for what seems like the beginning of winter. If this holds out, I’ll lose my blog friends. Never fear, I’m working on a post right now, so be patient, it’s on its way! And thanks for hanging in here with me . . . .

  10. hay whitney ,my name is Deloris Kelly, I am the author of the book call {I AM SO GLAD GOD MADE me}, you can get my book at xlibris.com , our children need us and we need our children too . I would love to be on your show, thank you B BLESS.