
100,000 and counting! And we have a winner!

Bayou Woman reaches

100,000 Hits on Blog!

Bayou Woman (I’m speaking in third person now, for what reason I have no clue) would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has visited her blog over the year and a half  helping spread the word about Bayou Life, Bayou Food, and the Louisiana Wetlands!

No kidding, y’all.  I really do thank you from the bottom of my bayou heart.  When I went to bed last night, the count was 99,945, and the blogging elves rounded up about 100 people while I was asleep to be the key players in making the counter turn over 100,000 hits!

I had no idea when I started this lowly little blog with a handful of hesitant readers that it would go anywhere; but I had a vision, and hopes, and dreams.

And I have you, THE READERS, to thank for that.

CCtravel mugFor now, it looks like Community Coffee is on board as a sponsor, did you hear that?  BW has a sponsor!!  Can you believe it!   They have graciously offered to ship one item a week to a lucky reader of this blog.

So, if your friends like Community Coffee, tell them about the blog so they can have a chance to win, too!  Unless you’re really selfish and want to be greedy, then don’t tell them!

Entered into this weeks’ random drawing is everyone who commented on the Shrimp Camp Dularge recipe post.  I hope you took time to look over the neat travel mugs they have to offer.

Now for the drawing . . . . . and the winner is

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-06-06 17:20:12 UTC

Comment Number 9, and that just happens to be . . . Mrs. Coach!!!!

Please email me your mailing address, and Community will ship your mug on Monday!  I hope you have one all picked out!

Coming soon . . . . is any body’s guess!

Your Bayou Woman is off to clean Camp Dularge AGAIN!!!

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  1. Congrats!!
    I was in the grocery store yesterday and a couple was walking by the coffee aisle that had a Community Coffee display on the end. The woman stopped, asked for her husbands cell phone and said “I’ve got to call Dad. I think this is cheaper here”. Her hubby asked what and she was explaining it was her dads favorite as I was leaving the aisle. It was on sale. So, there are lots of people down here that love it too.

    Have fun cleaning.

  2. That’s Community, All (for) community! I guess I’ll keep buying my Community Dark Roast , I can’t seem to win any here. LOL Congratulations on the sponsorship and the 100K hits. Will you be commenting on Gulp!, Tsunami, Blurp, Saltwater Assassin, H&H, Garmin……..LOL!

  3. Steffi, if memory serves, you won a wetland tour way back when in the very beginning, right? That was before I knew you were an avid fisherwoman!

    Oh, and the fishing sponsors are just around the corner. As soon as I have some ladies go fishing and we use some of those Gulp baits, it’s ON!!!

  4. Tsk tsk…. hopeless and wanton greedy and gratuitous etc etc.

    Anyhow congrats. hey might be in Loozy somewhere week of 14th somewhere. Ya’ll get the coffee ready.

    1. Blu, why do you do that? Didn’t your momma teach you an manners at all? What do you mean by wanton greed and gratuitous? Are you insulting me? I’ll do just about anything to get folks to care about bayou life, even if it means letting CC give stuff away. What’s wrong with that? If you want me to get the coffee ready, you better take back those unkind and unfair words up there! And if you’re just joking, well, it’s hard to tell “tone” on the net!

  5. Oh lucky winner!

    Hope I can win too!

    I really enjoy reading about your life and all the fishing and the wonderful recipes too!

    Congrats on the 100,000 Readers! I am proud to be one of them!

    Liz in PA

  6. No I wasn’t insulting you or coffee or Nascar or Bass fishing or film industry.
    Its the time we live in I guess. I am now officially looking for sponsors for my retirement.

    100,000 readers, how many posters?

    No, as matter of fact Mom never taught me many manners and the ones I used to have gave me migranes.