
Mixed Greens Soup

Mixed Greens Soup

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Quick and easy soup for those chilly, lazy days
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time30 minutes
Course: Soup
Servings: 8 Large Bowls
Author: Margaret Holmes


  • 1 medium onion finely chopped
  • 1 lb smoked sausage cut in circles, halves, or quarters
  • 1 27 oz. can Margaret Holmes Seasoned Mixed Greens or her seasoned, canned mustard or turnip greens
  • 2 cans chicken broth any brand
  • 1 can chopped tomatoes and chilies any brand, like Rotel
  • 1 can Margaret Holmes Seasoned Black-eye Peas
  • 1 can navy beans any brand
  • 1 can kidney beans any brand
  • 1-2 dashes Louisiana hot sauce like Crystal (my favorite)



  • In large soup pot or sauce pan, heat mixed greens
  • Cut sausage and saute in separate skillet
  • Fine chop onion and add to sausage
  • Saute until onions are clear
  • Add all other canned ingredients to the mixed greens and continue on medium heat
  • Add sausage and onions to soup pot
  • Add Louisiana hot sauce to soup pot
  • With all ingredients, stir well and simmer for 30 minutes


This soup goes well with fresh, hot cornbread or French bread.
Soup also freezes well.

Or how Margaret Holmes saved the day via Dollar General!

As with just about everything in life, this recipe comes to you with a little back story.  Recently, two very nice gentlemen from Jekyll Island, Georgia rented Camp Dularge for their fishing expeditions.  They towed a boat all the way from the East Coast in order to do some “sight fishing” for red fish.  That’s something I’ve never done before, at least not from a “tower boat” or platform, but when they booked the camp, I promised I would go over local aerial maps with them and help them choose some potential spots to try their skills.  Griff owns the boat, and he’s a charter guide around Jekyll Island.  Of course, I hope to fish there one day. Part of the reason for this trip was to see if his friend Vic might be interested in partnering up for future red fish tournaments.

I had a delightful visit them, but it was well past suppertime, theirs and mine, and Vic had thawed out some soup his lovely wife had made and sent with them, which he offered to share.  I’d never had anything like it before, and when he told me what it was called and what was in it, I just KNEW I would make it for my crew and share it with you.  (see how that rhymes?)

So, Mixed Greens Soup is the official name of the soup on the Margaret Holmes canned foods website, so it was easy to find via a Google search.  If you live in the south, you are probably already aware of these pre-seasoned canned vegetables, and they are delicious!  While reading the recipe, I thought the subtitle of this post would be, “Or how Dollar General” saved the day. That’s because ALL the ingredients, including the smoked sausage, are available at your local DG, which is especially convenient if you find yourself in a bind for something delicious to make and you also find yourself living far from “town” in an area now known as a “food desert”.  Yep, that would be me, except for the fact that I can catch seafood myself and barter with neighbors who have gardens, fruit trees, and do their own canning.

However, for this recipe, I took the DG challenge for myself, and the items you see in the photo are what I came up with.  First off, although Margaret makes a 27 ounce can of mixed greens, only mustard greens were available, so I opted for them.  No worries, I got this!

I made this soup in Shreveport for LilSis and her crew, and they loved it.  I made it again for a small group last week.  No one had eaten a soup like it before, and unless they were just being nice, they all raved about it.  The best thing about this soup is NO ADDITIONAL SEASONINGS ARE NEEDED!  Really!  I mean it!

The temperatures dropped 20 degrees today and continue to drop, so it’s a good time to get some hot soup going.  And here is a Bayou Woman Kitchen-approved soup recipe that will give you a break between slaving over the hot stove at Thanksgiving and Christmas, when we will do it all again.  

It’s clean, it’s healthy, and it tastes darn good!  Give it a try and let me know in the comment section what you think.  I’d love to hear from all of you!

By the way, this is the brand of hot sauce we prefer, although any Louisiana hot sauce will work (except for Tabasco!)!

So, until next time, get in the kitchen and get that soup pot heated up!

I remain your,


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  1. I have made this soup and it is delicious. I love Margaret Holmes products. Field peas and snaps are great and the raggedy ripe peaches make a wonderful cobbler.

    1. Hi Mary and thanks so much for stopping by and confirming this soup is delicious! I think her products are very well done, but I haven’t yet tried the peaches. Sounds like a great idea, though!! Thanks again and Merry Christmas! BW

  2. Sounds pretty good. I’ll have to make some. Gary loves soup year round. I just made a pot of soup, so, I’ll wait a week or two.

    1. Why wait a week or two? Because Hubby loves soup year round, oh wait, maybe that doesn’t mean once a week? With this cool snap, though, why not? 🙂

  3. Oh my this is something my mom would have loved. Of course most of the stuff would have come from her summer garden. I love soup and eat it several times a week. BB doesn’t like soup but will eat it if it is all I fix for a meal. He is pickier than a 2 year old and getting worse as his dementia progresses.
    I will have to try this. I have everything in the pantry and a new package of the sausage in the freezer. I love Franks hot wing sauce in my soup. Last bowl I had that I made for supper/dinner, I forgot the plastic piece that makes it drip out instead of pouring was not on the bottle but someplace under my stove. And I tilted the bottle and ….. 1″ poured into my bowl. YIKES! I burned all night. Had a sore throat for days.

    I just have to wait another week or two for my stomach to settle back to normal. I caught that stomach virus that has been going around and it is bad. I lost 12 lbs in a week. I was so dehydrated I thought I was going to get put in the hospital. I can finally eat again as of this just passed Saturday but, still have to be careful. Hope none of you get it. Keep a GIANT can of lysol next to you.

    1. Well, you’ve been up to some trouble!!! Sorry about the tummy bug but PLEASE keep it in TX!!! 12 pounds in one week is an awful lot, friend, but I’m glad you are getting back to normal. This soup would be easy on your stomach, especially if you don’t add more Frank’s!!!!! Take care, and it’s great to hear from you!

  4. Well, I’m going to have to improvise, since I’ve discovered there’s no Margaret Holmes products within a hundred miles of me — literally. I checked the website, and it looks like I’ll have to come to Louisiana to get some! We do have Glory brand foods, though, and they’re delicious. I’ll try this recipe with those.

    I’ve just moved from one apartment to another in the same complex, and believe you me, if I don’t tote another box for a while, it will be just fine. I’m almost settled now — boxes empty, stuff almost stored — and I’m looking forward to getting back into a routine. The redfish and trout over here have been absolutely phenomenal — almost makes me wish I were a fisherman!

    1. Hi Linda. So good to hear from you! The Glory brand of veggies will work just as well in this recipe, although I can’t speak to the seasoning, but I’m sure you can adjust accordingly! I really like the fact that no additional seasonings are needed. You are often in my thoughts and it’s great to have an update from you. I’m also working on getting back into a routine, so I know what you’re saying! Great to hear about the fish . . . same here! I’m looking forward to a nice trout trip later this month if all works out.

  5. I am from the home if Conecuh sausage (evergreen Alabama) and several years ago I was one of the judges for the cook off at our sausage festival
    Someone had made this and I absolutely fell in love with it. Making it for new years dinner this year with a side of hoecakes to go with it.

    1. Happy New Year, Patricia, and thank you for the comment. I hope your family was happy with the soup! Glad you found it here!