Who was that girl? (revised and reposted)

In 1973, her senior year in high school, she was the “reporter” for the Bossier High Pep Kats.  (what did a reporter do?)

She was a pep squad leader. (and got to wear cool braids on her shoulder)

She was a member of the first “dance team”. (check out those white “go go” boots!)

She was a teen counselor for CODAC – Community Organization for Drug Abuse Control (She didn’t know anybody in her school who did drugs.  Was there really a need for this group?  Sitting by her boyfriend.)

She was a semi-finalist in the high school beauty pageant. (and shocked)

She was a Key Club Sweetheart.  (her boyfriend was in the club.)

Not sure how, but she was a member of the National Honor Society.  (and clearly did not know she was supposed to look at the camera for a yearbook photo!)

She was not a member of the Future Homemakers of America.

She was not a member of the Future Teachers of America.

She was not a member of the Quill Club.

She was not a member of the Photography Club or Yearbook Staff.

She was not a member of the Future Business Leaders of America.

So, how in the world did this girl end up as a homemaker-home-schooling mother of five, turned freelance writer, photographer, blogger, boat captain business owner?

That is a very good question.

When we were in high school, did we really have any idea what we wanted to do with our lives?  Did we really think that the things we did in school would end up being our life’s path?  Or does Life just have its way with us?  These are the things on my mind this week as I work like a bee in honey-making season in preparation for the upcoming Bayou Woman Adventure.

Oh, and I had the best time ever filming an episode of Louisiana Outdoor Adventures with Kevin Ford and John Jackson.  You will be able to see it on their website in the near future.  Don’t forget to listen live streaming to the radio show this Saturday at 8 a.m. CST.  We will be talking about the debate over big trophy buck contests.

Life is like a box of chocolates!


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  1. Wow! I didn’t know you did all those things. But don’t forget to mention being an outstanding choir member and being the high school mascot! So proud of you, then and now!

    1. Oh heck, I think I took the choir photo too and just forgot to include it! I wish I had a “Daisy May” photo!!!! Thank you, LilSis, and you are one of my biggest inspirations these days!

      1. Now THAT is a photo I would love to find a copy of. I lost all my yearbooks, and that photo would be in a prior year before Heather got to high school, so she would not have the yearbook either.

  2. It doesn’t surprise me that you did all those things! You are right that we don’t know in high school what our lives will bring. I have thought that about myself often. We all still have a long way to go down that path too. Who knows what else is coming?

    1. How right you are, Kim! I honestly looked at that Yearbook recently and wondered who I was back then. Like Heather said, I didn’t know I did all those things, either!

  3. Want to know something funny….I was a Future Homemakers of America State Officer for Oklahoma, went to college totally thinking I would be a Home Ec teacher and now the thought of teaching turns my stomach. I actually planned to join the Navy before I decided to go into teaching but I blew my knee out water tubing and couldn’t pass the physicals my senior year. I never played sports, I did manage the high school boys basketball team and I was in the FFA. Now I am married to a coach, live in the country and work as a social worker for the local tribes. I am so thankful the things we focus on when we are young aren’t always what we end up with in the end.
    ***I had 4 years of Home Ec and wasn’t allowed to touch a sewing machine after the first 3 weeks of school my freshman year, I still can’t sew.***
    Why would you be surprised you made it in all of those things?

    1. Here here! Your story amazes me as much as my own! If the dance team was my dream, who knows, I might have ended up a pole dancer!!! Just kidding! Or a singing beauty pageant contestant, Lord help us.

  4. Ok you made me pull out the yearbooks…..surprised the pages arent stuck together it has been soooooo long since I have looked at them.

  5. thanks for thinking of me….just sick i cant make it…it’s my birthday weekend also!! but that friday was already booked off by a co-worker

  6. Oh, my gosh! What wonderful photos. I’d provide some from my high school yearbooks, but I threw them all away. I tossed them first when we were moving Mom from Iowa to Texas. Then, after she died, I discovered she’d pulled them from the trash and still had them. I threw them away again.

    I did a lot in high school – band, orchestra, debate team, drama, newspaper – but didn’t have a clue what I wanted to do. In college I was a music major and English major before I finally graduated with a medical social work degree. It only took nine years, which did include a brief hiatus for work and a first apartment in Kansas City.

    And then there was that classic mother-daughter confrontation that led to my purposefully flunking myself out of college and working the 11-7 shift at a nursing home to support myself. Needless to say, it’s a good thing both Mom and I grew up before it was time for me to take care of her the last fifteen years of her life!

    1. Lil Sis actually brought me her yearbook, because mine was lost in floodwaters way back when–probably Hurricane Juan in 1985. I’m wondering, though, why you would throw away your yearbooks? My you were a busy girl in school! I know you told me some of this when you visited, but this old sponge is getting to the point it can’t hold much more water! I think the English major was probably your destiny . . . . but you don’t need a degree in English or Journalism to write, now do you?

  7. Great post, but I want to comment on something else. I don’t think your “followers” will mind.
    Funny I should turn on the computer to see this post. I just turned off the TV after watching Kevin Ford, host of “Louisiana Outdoor Adventures” singing your praises. The Terrebonne Parish Chamber of Commerce should hire you as their spokesperson. You did a wonderful job as Eco tour guide, Charter Capt., crabber, etc. I was glad to see all the exposure you (all your business ventures and your book) recieved from this program. It was SO much more than his usual “fishing show”. Too bad we didn’t get to hear some tunes from y’all though. He frequently sings when he fishes. BTW, Were those “stills” ( photos) some of yours?

    1. Well, let’s see. Where do I start with this reply. I didn’t get to see the show and you are the first person to give me any feedback. I am so anxious to see this I could crawl out of my skin right now. So, did they do a good job of showing the versatility and beauty here? I guess so, because the Exec. Producer was very interested in being here. I had intended to post up that this was airing, and maybe I should do so today so people who have Direct TV can watch it tomorrow. In a way, I was a spokes person for the parish! When we did that part, it was 2 p.m., the end of the trip, scorching hot, glaring sunlight, and I asked to please let me wear my sunglasses and hat because of that. Not the most attractive look, but much better than squinty eyes and hat hair!!! Steffi, do you get on Facebook? If you do, then be so kind as to LIKE the La. Outdoor Adventures page and leave them these kind words. And no, I don’t think any of the stills were mind. JJ had a $3000 lens on his camera and my photos didn’t hold a candle to his!!! I can’t WAIT to see all this! Thanks for this comment, Steffi. Means so much to me. (oh and I had just emailed you!)

    2. Hey, okay, I did a new post since your review was a positive one. Would you mind leaving a comment there? Thanks so much for your help and support, Steffi!

  8. I was totally burned out on school. Too many kids. I barely remember anything good. I remember a big stink caused by me not forking over the 1500 bucks for yearbook pictures and signing various forms to make sure I was not incidentally included in the yearbook. I wasn’t one of them and wanted no part of them. I think there was a war going on in a delta even further away than Loozy too.

    I still think I should have quit going at 16. Tons of college prep and college and all that industrial training and well , I fish.

    1. What a complicated recluse you are, Blu. Must have been fish in another life. No wait, maybe not. Fish travel in schools and like it, lol! You’re one of a kind, Blu. Get your Loozy fix where you can my friend. Check out the videos on Kevin’s site if you haven’t already. Might cure the Loozy homesick blues for Blu.

  9. Funny one of my fave coffee drinker actually told me much the same thing last night. I used to be a recluse but more than willing to butt heads with strangers etc since college.

  10. When I first read this post there was something I wanted to write, but got sidetracked by the TV show…so…I’ll keep it short. Nothing has changed since you were in High School. You’re still an over achiever! LOL