Mother's Day Perks!

First off, I got to eat boiled crawfish that I didnt’ even have to boil.  I didn’t shop for any of the ingredients, either.  Thank you, BigSis, for doing the shopping, which was gift enough for me.  The day was a relaxing one.

As the crawfish were sitting for their final soak, Dotter called to say she was still about an hour away from BigSis’s house.  That was kind of strange, because she only lives about 45 minutes away.

Ah, but she was off on an adventure of her own.  She had sneaked out of church early, jumped in her car, and headed for Lafayette, LA and a rendezvous with a certain homeless woman who makes art out of trash.  Or at least that’s what she told me the day before when she came down to help me sort through my mountains of paperwork, yet un-filed from 2009.

Dotter arrived starving, sat down at the table, rolled up her sleeves and started to dive into the meal.  I’m not even sure if she even tasted a crawfish or not when she looked at me with that impish grin and said, “Would you like your present now or later?”   Well, NOW of course!  She directed me to go sit on the couch, while she washed her hands and then went out to her car.

“Close your eyes,” she said as she came through the front door.  “Keep ’em closed.  Keep ’em closed.  OK, OPEN THEM!”

And there before my eyes was the most beautiful egret painting I had ever seen.  It is a giclee` done by artist Tanya Dischler.

Dotter, wanting to get something for me for the new house, Googled Louisiana artists and found her and her work.  She decided on this one, emailed the artist and began to scheme a way to meet up with her and purchase the painting.

It’s beautiful.  I love it, I love the story behind how this piece of art came to me, and my heart overflows with the love of my children and for my family (in spite of the impending doom).

Despite the oil spill,


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  1. The painting is GORGEOUS! What a wonderful house warming present. I know you have to be dreadfully worried about the spill. Hang in there.

    1. One word should cover my response about the painting…DITTO!
      I was talking to some friends this morning about the You Tube video. NO ONE will do this though. It’s TOO simple and wouldn’t break the bank. Wrong phrase…the banks are broke.

  2. The egrets are beautiful – what a wonderful gift. Well, the relaxing day and not having to do the shopping were pretty good, too!

    As to that hay business – someone is going to give it a try. Walton County, Florida, is going against the advice of Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection and making plans to use it if necessary.

    There are some folks out there who are running the numbers and contesting some of the facts of what hay will and will not do – but if hay hits Walton, we’ll see what happens. Here are two links for anyone interested.

    There’s been some talk in Houston that currents and river flow may send the oil to Texas once it gets to the Atchafalaya. Who knows, at this point. But our beaches are pretty ugly anyway, and a beach is easier to clean up than wetlands – I suppose we could take one for the team 😉

  3. I’m so glad you like “Moon Dance”! And don’t forget it’s from David, too. He just wasn’t here to give it to you. I asked him if he wanted me to wait until he was home, but he said he didn’t want YOU to have to wait. 🙂

    1. “Moon Dance” is more suited to your dear old mommer than you know. Again, a thousand thank you’s to both you and Daboo. I can’t wait to hang in it in the new house.

  4. That is a beautiful painting. Sure will look nice in the new house too. Glad you had a great Mothers Day.

  5. Oh wow, that’s really pretty! I’m sure it will be the first thing up in the new house.