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Louisiana Culinary Trails – Prairie Home Cookin’
As promised, I am taking you across the state with food and cooking, reflective of the varying people and cultures as we go. The typical Americans pretty much associates Louisiana cuisine with “Cajun cooking” these days, but there is so much more variety than that, not only in preparation but also ingredients. For your reference, the…
Eagle Expo and a Cajun Man
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I've been tagged . . . or "How weird are you, anyway?"
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Morganza Spillway Opens Saturday
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Let's put out some alligator lines!
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Wild Alligator Harvest 2010
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Are they snails?
Ah, yes, little grasshopper! But what KIND of snails are they?
Well, if they’re snails and they’re in cajun/french territory……they’re soon to be “escargo”. Ha Ha!
LOL, Steph!!!
Marsh periwinkle (Littoraria irrorata)
Oh, you get an A+. You should have been a biologist, Ash!!!
Alien pods, there to take over the marshlands!
LOL! Funny!
Sauteed in butter,garlic, and white wine…………Mmmmmmmmmmmm!
I pick em. You cook em!
Oh yeah, I almost forgot a splash of whochestershire.
Periwinkles, the spiral-shelled saltwater snails that have been damagning our coastal marshlands…..love that you keep me learning!!!!
as far as butter, garlic and wine…I’m pretty open to trying new things…and at your house I would be polite enough to at least try them…but ewwww…Can’t see me ordering them from any resturant………….shuddering at the thought as I search for a tums…..
Deb in TX
One day, I’ll have a post about the first time I ate one almost 30 years ago!!! And it was the last time, too! I would be open to trying Choup’s snails, though!! Well, maybe just once!
I could be a professional googler
There’s that dry wit I love so much!!!!