Riding in Style!

Fall means fairs.  The local fair was this past weekend.  I mellowed out a bit and let the boys go it alone the first two nights.  I joined them last night for the final night.  They had a blast! Especially Miah!

Fall also means fishing.  Those posts coming soon.



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  1. looks like they had a blast!

    Hey, I’m sending your information to a friend who has moved to Louisiana. She homeschools and I think your tours, etc would fit well into her curriculum, Wendy.

      1. I did not know that. I’ll pass that tidbit on too. I hope she decides to make the trip to your place. How cool would that be, to have a Joe’s Run girl meet my blog friend Wendy!

  2. Gee, no warning???

    I am getting really old but looking at carnival rides or hearing music still makes me very dizzy and ill.

    Still thinking of being a carney when I grow up though.

    Cooking trout this week.

  3. Love fairs. Popcorn, cotton candy, sausage on a stick, etc. and lots of lbs.

    It has been years since I went to one. Can’t take that walking any more.

    Looks like Miah was in his element! Bet he had a blast.

  4. Wow our fair is in August and in Oklahoma that means it’s 104 degrees and 210 humidity, lol. The state fair was last week and it was beautiful weather. Looks like the boys had a blast.

  5. Cuuute! The last two years when I’ve gone with him, the Tilt-a-Whirl is the only one I ride! (Always been my favorite carnival ride… I remember riding it with YOU! At Hamel’s Park, maybe?) Anyway, Miah and I can get that thing spinning something fierce! Love it. 🙂

    You should have posted the other swing poses! *lol*

    Now, I’m off to find your house post to see if I can find the pictures of your kitchen counters. I’ve been meaning to ask you who did them because I want new ones. Email me!